Duncan St.Clair MacPhail

  • Name
    Duncan St.Clair MacPhail
  • ID
  • Gender
  • Duncan St. Clair MACPHAIL, Esq., lately Chief
    Architect and Surveyor, Department of
    Agriculture for Scotland.

    Duncan St Clair Macphail practised and lived at 130 Marchmont Road from at least 1925. In that year he was admitted both LRIBA and ARIBA without the need for proposers, the rules signifying that he had reached the age of thirty and been a student member and had been engaged as assistant or an Architectural Principal for ten years or a Principal for seven years. He was also a Member of the Society of Architects. His declaration accepting his RIBA membership was witnessed by Marion W MacPhail, MA (Edin), of the same address - presumably his wife.

    The following private or business addresses are associated with this architect:
    Address     Type     Date from     Date to     Notes
    130, Marchmont Road, Edinburgh, Scotland     Private/business     1925     c. 1929
    30, Blinkbonny Avenue, Edinburgh, Scotland     Private/business     c. 1929     c. 1939
    Dunbeath/6, Blinkbonny Road, Edinburgh, Scotland     Private/business     c. 1939     After 1950
Legend: Birth Name, Married Name, Not Named, m: Missing, -: Not Applicable, ?: May(not) be Applicable, X: Unrecognized Location
Name 1911
1   Duncan St.Clair MacPhail (1896-1974)   m  
2   _____ Catherine (~1861-)   m  
3   Donald MacPhail (~1861-)   m  
    2 Total Ancestors
  • Immigrant Ancestors are displayed in italics
  • Ancestors with no parents are displayed in bold
Generation 1
[1.01  2]   Duncan St.Clair MacPhail (1896-1974) MLN
Generation 2
[1.02*  ]   Donald MacPhail (~1861-)
[2.01*  ]   _____ Catherine (~1861-)
Built by Gigatrees (3.0.10) Q(69.00)