Gigatrees has been updated again. This time, the horizontal tabs have been replaced with collapsible vertical tabs. Vertical tabs provide several advantages over horizontal tabs. They work better with small screen sizes. Where horizontal tabs try their best to wrap, they usually don't look very good, especially when the fonts change size. Collapsible (and expandable) vertical tabs allow you display all of your information on a single screen, which for genealogists who may want to print an individual's profile, is a big advantage. With horizontal tabs, there is no way to do this. Visitors would need to print the contents of each tab separately. There is a shortcut that can be used on any screen with tabs to expand them all -- just add "?all" to the end of the URL in your address bar. Using vertical tabs also allows me to group data in an optimal way without being concerned about how many tabs are being used. When using horizontal tabs, only a limited number can be used without looking clunky. Finally, and this is a biggie, vertical tabs do not make use of named anchors to select a tab. This allows us to use named anchors to direct a visitor to a section on the page. Links to Disqus comments from their website now redirect to the actual comment on the page, but most importantly, clicking on source references that have page numbers, now redirect to the appropriate citation on the page, rather than to the top of the page -- a feature we lost when we switched over to horizontal tabs several years ago.
The vertical tabs are controlled completely by CSS styles found in the "gigatrees.css" stylesheet. This means savvy users who built a family tree, can override these styles to change their look and feel.
I also added a version number to the "Built by Gigatrees" link at the bottom of each page. This will allow you to monitor version changes.
While I was at it, I rewrote many of the pages to use the Bootstrap grid system so that the pages scale easily to different screen sizes. I've tried it on several mobile device sizes, and it seem to work splendidly. This means, of course, that many of the style classes have change, so if you override any of these for your site, watch out, this is gonna hurt.
I have not tested all of the possible application specific features like source templates and shared roles to see how they look, so if you run into any issues post a comment or send me a message using the contact form. Also, if you upload a Gigatree online please post a link to it in the comment section of the Gigatrees page. This will allow me to look closely at other configurations to see how they look.
One other change, not as dramatic, but still noteworthy, estimating birthdates has been improved slightly by including in the list of living events, several that were missing.