Father? Smith (~1877-)unsupportedMotherDora Smith (~1877-1964)unsupportedSpouseHubert Alan Carter (1913-1993)
Birth [S28] May 14, 1917uncertainMarriageHubert Alan Carter (1913-1993)Aug 6, 1940unsupportedDeath [S154] Dec 5, 2003uncertaincancer involving the bile duct
[S28] Age given on hospital chart mentioned by Alasdair Carter, Autumn 2003 [S154] Telephone call from Alasdair Carter
4 Total Ancestors Immigrant Ancestors are displayed in italics Ancestors with no parents are displayed in bold Generation 1 [1.01 2] Marjorie Smith (1917-2003) Generation 2 [1.02* ] ? Smith (~1877-) [2.01 3] Dora Smith (~1877-1964) Generation 3 [2.02* ] Richard Smith (~1836-1905) [3.01* ] Mary Ann (~1837-1903)
Marjorie Smith (1917-2003) ? Smith (~1877-) Dora Smith (~1877-1964) Richard Smith (~1836-1905) Mary Ann (~1837-1903)