Sam Grigor

  • Birth
    Footnote: the Grigors, Lossiemouth, April 1996
  • Name
    Sam Grigor
  • ID
  • Gender
    28 Total Ancestors
  • Immigrant Ancestors are displayed in italics
  • Ancestors with no parents are displayed in bold
Generation 1
[ 1.01   2]   Sam Grigor (1994-)
Generation 2
[ 1.02   3]   Malcolm Grigor (1970-)
[ 2.01*   ]   Fiona Munro (1974-)
Generation 3
[ 1.03   4]   Charlie Grigor (1934-)
[ 3.01*   ]   Catherine Hutcheson (1947-~1998) MRY
Generation 4
[ 1.04   5]   Robert Grigor (~1899-)
[ 4.01*   ]   Mary Sutherland (~1899-~1985)
Generation 5
[ 1.05   6]   Robert Grigor (1864-1937) MRY
[ 5.01   7]   Margaret Shand (1860-1941) MRY--MRY
Generation 6
[ 1.06*   ]   John Grigor (~1833-) MRY
[ 5.02   8]   Robert Shand (1829-1906) MRY--MRY
[ 6.01*   ]   Jane Smith (~1842-<1937)
[ 7.01   9]   Elizabeth Fraser (1839-1936) MRY
Generation 7
[ 5.03  10]   John Shand (1796-1881) MRY
[ 7.02  12]   James Fraser (~1810-1889) MRY
[ 8.01  11]   Margaret McAndrew (~1796-1882) MRY
[ 9.01  13]   Elizabeth Anderson (~1815-1880) MRY
Generation 8
[ 5.04*   ]   James Shand (~1768-1839) MRY
[ 7.03*   ]   ?James Fraser (~1783-)
[ 8.02*   ]   William McAndrew (~1761-<1882)
[ 9.02*   ]   James Anderson (~1780-<1880)
[10.01  14]   Marjory Barry (~1775-1866) MRY
[11.01*   ]   Catherine Anderson (~1761-<1882)
[12.01  15]   Isabella White (~1783-1866)
[13.01*   ]   Margaret Lamb (~1780-<1880)
Generation 9
[10.02*   ]   James Barry (~1740-)
[12.02*   ]   Alexander White (~1755-1834) MRY
[14.01*   ]   Mary Garden (~1740-)
[15.01*   ]   Isabella McCarter (~1753-1839)
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