Alexander Fraser

  • Name
    Alexander Fraser
  • BIRTH: the BMJ obituary said he was born in 1853.

    1881 CENSUS: A schedule on Page 1, Folio 114, Piece 3934, RG11, shows Alexander, age 29, single, Anatomical Teacher (Dr), born in Scotland, living at 1 Mytton Street, Hulme, Lancashire in the household of William Perry, age 61, cowkeeper [Examined on microfilm, 4 January 1997 and online 7 February 2010.]

    1901 CENSUS: Form A showed "Residents of a house 24 in Northbrook Road (Rathmines and Rathgar East, Dublin)" were: Alec Fraser, Head Presbyterian, able to Read and Write, age 47, Prof. of Anatomy, M.B.C.M. Galsgow University, F.R.C.S. Ireland, married, born in Scotland, Jo. C. Fraser, wife, Presbyterian, able to read and write, age 43, born in Scotland, Mary Mullans, donestic servant, Roman Catholic, able to read and write, age 23, single, born in County Wexford, and Mary Gilligan, domestic servant - house maid, Romain Catholic, able to read and writl, age 26, domestic servant - cook, born in County Meath. Form B showed that the house had 9 rooms with 5 windows to the front [Examined online September 2010.]

    In his application for the Professorship of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Alexander wrote:

    "I received my Arts Education at the University of Glasgow.

    I began my medical career at that University in 1874, obtained various honours and distinctions during my course of study, and graduated with honours in 1878. During the years 1876-77, 1877-78, I acted as one of Professor Allen Thomson's assistants in the Dissecting Room.

    Immediately after the graduation I was appointed one of the Demonstrators of Anatomy in the Owens College, Manchester, and for the last five years I have had the entire management of the Dissecting Room."

    OCCUPATION: he was Professor of Anatomy at the the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland for 25 years. 300-400 pound per year was mentioned as a salary of Trinity College professors (p.121, Brit. Med. J., 17 Oct. 1908).

    In "The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and its Medical School 1784-1984" by J.D.H Widdess. Third Edition.

    DEATH: From his death certificate: M.B., F.R.C.S.I. Professor of Anatomy, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. Died at 12 noon on 25/07/1909, at 59 Clifton Road, aged 58. His usual residence was 18 Northbrook Road, Dublin. His parents were James Fraser, Mason (Master) deceased, and Elizabeth Fraser (ms Anderson) deceased. Death was registered by John Shand, nephew of 1 Allan Lane.

    OBITUARY: There was a tribute to him in the 14 August 1909 issue of the British Medical Journal (have a copy).

    GRAVESTONE: inscribed "Alexander Fraser, F.R.C.S.I., 25 years professor of Anatomy in the Royal college of Surgeons in Ireland, died 25.7.1909, aged 58." (Elgin Library database record number Lo.273).
    8 Total Ancestors
  • Immigrant Ancestors are displayed in italics
  • Ancestors with no parents are displayed in bold
Generation 1
[1.01  2]   Alexander Fraser (~1851-1909) MRY-SCT-MRY
Generation 2
[1.02  3]   James Fraser (~1810-1889) MRY
[2.01  4]   Elizabeth Anderson (~1815-1880) MRY
Generation 3
[1.03*  ]   ?James Fraser (~1783-)
[2.02*  ]   James Anderson (~1780-<1880)
[3.01  5]   Isabella White (~1783-1866)
[4.01*  ]   Margaret Lamb (~1780-<1880)
Generation 4
[3.02*  ]   Alexander White (~1755-1834) MRY
[5.01*  ]   Isabella McCarter (~1753-1839)
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